Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Disputes between the European Union and the Rest of the world Essay

Disputes between the European Union and the Rest of the world Introduction                   The sheer size of the EU sheer markets as well as its vast experience of more than forty years in negotiating international trade agreements has made it become the most powerful trading bloc in the world. Moreover, it has become a formidable power through trade, hence creating more problems with the rest of the world. The EU has increasingly used its market access as a bargaining chip to obtain changes within the domestic arena of its trading partners, starting with labor standards to development policies, and internationally, ranging from global governance to foreign policy. Therefore, this paper mainly analyses EU’s power in trade a factor that has made it create tension with the rest of the world. The analysis includes major dilemmas that are associated with how it exercises its trade power and point out why these strategies create tension with other international states. The argument also includes the need for the EU to refine it initial strat egies of accommodation for it to successfully transform its structural power to be more effective and hence have a more legitimate influence.                   Among the first goals of the EU as a trade power is using its power to secure concessions from others on market access. This makes it function as an economic globalization determinant or shaper. Basically, the EU is using its trade power to achieve non-trade objectives that range from the export-specific rules flanking market integration such as social, environment and safety standards to a more political or strategic linkage (Haughton, 2007).The rest of the world is therefore left to wonder if such use of trade power ultimately matters in geopolitical terms. Power in trade                   When we compare the EU and the US, there is no significant difference in the way the two exercise their power in trade at the bilateral levels mostly through agreements that they often have over their access to the market for their goods, capital and services in other regions. Agreements with EU have usually been involved more on reciprocal concessions over tariffs, quotas, and technical barriers to trade. However, concessions can sometimes be asymmetrical, either due to the fact that the EU could be making steeper cuts, or due to the fact that the value of the EU cuts could be greater following the size of the market. Failure to withstand such asymmetries means that the EU, similar to the US, uses preferential bilateral agreements to pry open the available markets that are found in the South as an exchange for accessing its own markets. Regionally, EU power has taken the form of less specific reciprocal concessions. As more nations across the world join regional trading blocs, the aim of the EU is to realize economies of scale through bloc-to-bloc deals. Such first bi-regional trade agreement is still being negotiated since 2000 mainly involving the EU and Mercosur, which is a customs union between Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay, and Paraguay created in 1991. It is to be followed by ASEAN (the Association of South East Asian Nations) as new economic partnership agreements (EPAs) with, among others, the Caribbean countries and the Gulf Cooperation Council. It cannot be denied that in Latin America especially, have taken such moves partly in consideration to reaction by USA’s own drive towards regionalism.                   EU’s involvement in multilateral bargaining at the global level has been shaped by its relationship to the US. These two great trade powers have for so long been engaged in what is seen by the rest of the world as a battle of the titans, as each side has been trying to ensure that each of them has a continued access balance towards the market through trade and regulatory deals, if not, to resort to dispute settlement (Grabbe, 2006). As that continues, they have also tried using their trade power to exert their rule of ‘western hegemony’ over the developing world, especially towards the so-called ‘new issues’ that pertain to services as well as intellectual property that were initially introduced during the Uruguay Round. Of late little co-operation has existed between the EU–US regulatory and these two powers have kind of began pursuing sharply diverging tactics, that came up with opposing alliances during the Hong Kong meeting of the Doha Round in December 2005. Power through trade                   The EU tends to be more attached to not only multilateral forms of trade relations but also to the premises of embedded liberalism. Contrary to the US case; the EU’s use of trade in order to achieve non-trade objectives has some pride as a potential instrument of Europe’s geopolitical power. Whilst little doubt exists in regards to the EU being considered as one of the top players in world trade, there has been a lot of keen interest while assessing EU’s identity as a ‘power’ in general. They have however put across various qualifiers in characterizing a mode of influence that can enable them to manipulate others and make them perform according to the interest of the EU.                   Existence of the shift from a post-war to a post-Cold War paradigm of economic hegemony does not seem to be towards only increasing interventionism inside the affairs of trading partners, that even other nations apart from EU promotes. It has also taken other forms absent in the subservience of trade to security imperatives, the power to be yielded from asymmetries in such interdependence, and the ends of increased interdependence, as scrutinized under a mode demanding criteria of legitimacy. Even as the US tries to promote some specific features of an open trading system that tend to serve its domestic interests, the EU instead has been increasingly engaged in a more clever game where values, interests, and model are blurred. It does not just try to promote openness, but are more concern with openness ‘the EU way’. Considering the fact that the EU itself is a system of market liberalization, external efforts that it encourages are regarding replication more than domination                   Most groupings that have come up in the last decade seem to have done so majorly to increase their bargaining power within the trade negotiations against the EU and the US. They forget that having a closer relation to other regions around the world tend to be a means of enhancing the normative power of the EU and a reflection of this power. This is because such EU outstanding context and unique character as an integrative policy among other states is shown to be important. It is not US as a federal state which is relevant to integration among countries, but the EU as a federal union. Therefore, it seems the EU’s support for regional organizations like the Pacific Islands Forum and the African Union is linked to a particular expectation of contribution not only to the economic integration but also to the prevention, management and resolution of inter-state conflicts.                   However, while the EU has considered itself to be the judge of what is right or wrong as a trade power, there is some evidence showing that as a union it is indeed a conflicted trade power. This is a fact since within its different guiding principles; there are various policies which directly contradict each other (Teorell, 2010). Regionalism vs. Multilateralism                   A lot of debate has been going on, whether regional trade agreements have been indeed building blocks or they are just stumbling blocks for multilateralism. The claim by the EU has always been that they are indeed building blocks. This was demonstrated when it defended the relevance of its own approach to the Uruguay Round agenda; as both the EU as well as the GATT at the same time tried to explore the fresh basis of trade in services, of course, with diverse ambitions as to the extent of liberalization. While it was a key player in the launching of the Doha Round, it is also becoming an active promoter of regionalism.                   The question then left to ask is whether these two factions are compatible. Following the sudden jump in terms of free trade agreements to more than 300 like in 2001, the shocking thing is that the WTO has not been able to reach agreement even on a single case report towards any regional agreement in spite of them vowing to participate in the role of regional trade committees. This is in contrast to the Appellate Body which has taken on the issue, for example, they suggested on the need to apply some kind of ‘necessity test’, towards a recent ground-breaking case, where by Turkey and EU were condemned after they increased unnecessary barriers to Indian textiles when Turkey decided to enter its customs union with Europe. Following the move the EU is still drawing lessons. Of course, such judgment may act as an inspiration to the EU policy-makers in their endeavor devise strategies of accommodation trying to tame the trade-diverting effects on regionalism. As an alternative, on the region-to-region front, there could be a possible insertion of clauses that link the implementation of market access deals with progress on the multilateral front, just like it was done with ASEAN. EU’s regionalism can also come under conflict with bilateral agendas of their own partners. Trials by the EU’s strategy of encouraging regional co-operation in the Balkans have come into conflict following its use of trade linkages for domestic change.                   Also, as was realized in the Euro-Med context when the EU sought to draw lessons from past relations with the Mediterranean after its multi-lateralized its relations and encouraged trade among the southern partners by changing its rules of origins and allowance of accumulation, for example, aggregation between the value added to the southern nations. However, following lack of consensus between these economies, such approach has not yet been judged to bear fruit, (Knodt & Jà ¼nemann, 2007). There could be a need for more drastic incentives. Continued systematic promotion of regionalism could be of harm indeed to the EU’s proclaimed development goals. Like, when some analysts argue that being engaged in urging of rapid regional integration in Francophone West Africa was seen as a great contributing factor towards the subsequent instability in the region. The EU sought free movement of goods in this case, but not people, but failing to provide a re distributive wealth mechanism that was to deal with adjustment costs and at the same time undermined government social programs.                   Moreover, most of the deals negotiated throughout the 1990s under the watch of the New Transatlantic Agenda between the EU and the US tended to be vulnerable to similar criticism. In a way they have had a trial to the feasibility of exporting the approach by the EU of market integration through regulatory mutual recognition by the US. However, still it is important for the EU and the US to design such agreements as well as their supporting mechanisms better and make them be open to those who are new who might take the approach of respecting the standards adopted trans-atlantically. Non-discrimination vs. Bilateral preferential relations                   What can be seen as a major variant on the multilateralism –regionalism dilemmas tend to be increasing tension between the vowed commitment of the EU to international trade law, more specifically the highly favored-nation (MFN) principle, as well as the desire of the EU to be able to maintain preferential trading relations with specific countries. The agreement by the EU to the concept of ‘trade distorting’ regimes that stems from some of its members’ colonial pasts, exceeding the entire preferential market access granted to ACP countries, may of course sound as an objective even more commendable as compared to the MFN pursuit of global justice. However, it is important for EU to be clear on the price it has to pay for this moral luxury. Therefore, establishing such tension between international law and special relations tend to be acting geopolitically pitting two sets of developing countries against one another.                   Likewise, the 2001 Everything But Arms initiative (EBA) involvement in granting duty and quota-free access to the entire exports but not where arms and munitions are involved from the least countries that are less developed has faced criticism for excluding the key crops such as sugar, rice and bananas until 2009, as well as for leading in discriminatory practices among developing countries. Vulnerable and small economies that have been included tend to be bound to displace the exports of the same but some countries were excluded. Some States like the Caribbean or the Bangladesh members of the ACP group got a chance to benefit from this preferential trading arrangement with the EU. The WTO has many times condemned such policies. However, most of the member states, like UK, France, or Portugal who are former colonial powers, would not be keen on abandoning a system that is designed to eradicate poverty for the poorest farmers around the world who have bec ome dependent on inflated EU prices. In this instance, the EU has chosen a classic strategy of accommodation: progressive graduation as well as the negotiation of transition systems. Based on the multilateral constraint, EU’s only remaining power tend to lie with determining the speed of transfer of adjustment costs with its trading partners and its import intermediaries.                   This kind of negative power is doomed to unpopularity. Therefore, by EU presenting a new deal like in 2005 of cutting guaranteed sugar prices by 36 per cent over four years, it was predictably criticized on all sides, attacked based on the fact that it was reforming the detriment of poor sugar exporting countries and it was failing to move much further. Somehow, the EU seems to have taken firm grounds stand, ironically, even playing around with the non-discriminatory obligations that are contained within the GSP, at least as under the rule of the WTO 2004 appellate body ruling on EU vs. India. In this case, India was challenging the EU’s modified GSP which tend to provide an additional margin of preference on the part of recipients with drugs enforcement policies where the Commission was involved in inventing the entire list of beneficiaries of the programme without considering any objective criteria. Seen as a brilliant compromise given to the EU given by the AB, the benefit of the doubt based on the fact that indeed the right to modify preferential treatment was not subject to a simplistic constraint of identical treatment among beneficiaries, (Tocci, N., 2007). The AB argued that different developing countries were not situated on the same way when it comes to their different needs and hence could possibly be subject to ‘performance requirements’ as long as the approach were objective, transparent, as well as non-discriminatory in the broad sense. What question perhaps remains to be tested is what are acceptable conditionalities more generally? In a sense, it was important for the EU to develop a more universal approach as to where to draw the line. Western Hegemony Vs. Mediating Power                   An area which has also brought tension is in the EU’s alliance strategy as well as the light it portrays on what kind of actor it really wants to become. As a matter of fact, is it possible for the EU to play the part of the nervous protectionist North (agriculture), the rich liberal North (services), as well as the mediator between the South and the North? Taking the ‘rich North,’ is it necessary for it to generally to always take the US side for it to protect their shared commercial interests? Or it should go for emphasizing its vocation as a mediating power on the global scene, especially between the developing world and the US but at the same time, increasingly, between different interests in the developing world itself? Just as was recently demonstrated by controversies in the Doha Round, not only do multilateral trade negotiations are asking how much liberalization, but they are also asking what kind of liberalization as well as for whose benefit The Uruguay Round basically represent the culmination of an assertive US–EU alliance bent towards a commercially driven line in addition to a grand bargain between their reluctant acceptance of (partial) opening on some tropical/agricultural products and a (delayed) opening on textile, as an exchange for introducing fresh issues within the newly created WTO. In particular, intellectual property issues have exposed the EU to a lot of criticism that comes from the developing world due to the fact it sided with the interest of US multinationals.                   This tension between the North – including the EU – and the developing world started way back. However, a lot of attempt has been made by the EU to establish a reputation as a champion of development including through its 2001 role, when it launched the ‘Doha development agenda. Some other promoted path-breaking declaration on trade and public health has been going on. Like it has opened the way for legalizing broad exemptions from intellectual property constraints during any imports on generic drugs to treat diseases such as AIDS. There are also other initiatives, for example the databank which was set up by the Commission’s Directorate General for Trade in order to assist developing countries in their market access strategies, and have enabled the EU begin to change the image it has in the WTO.                   Following what recently came up in the Doha Round is an indication again to the lack of commitment that the EU has in seeking to marry its natural alliance in most of the domains (not all) with the US and its development advocacy. For example, when a World Bank Study questioned the EU’s ‘demonstration strategy’ through EBA stating that once requirements such as standards as well as rules of origin were taken into account, it was realized that the US was actually more open to LDC exports as compared to the EU. On the other hand, there is failure by the EU to promote multilateral solutions that is capable of addressing perhaps the single most important factor that links trade and poverty such as the massive volatility as well as decline in the price of primary commodities. As a result if the EU is indeed committed to uphold an image as a ‘mediating power’ within the global political economy, it will have no option but to ac tively promote changes in the WTO which the US is likely to actively resist, (Marshall, M., & Jaggers, K.,2010). However, a lot of failure has been manifested by the EU in exploiting a potentially promising strategy of accommodation like putting transatlantic economic as well as regulatory co operation at the service of multilateralism. Internal vs. external objectives                   Somehow, the manner in which the EU is exercising power through trade should be held up to special standards. Claiming consistency between its internal and external actions tend to be at the heart of its legitimate exercise of power. The EU has indeed faced difficulties in an attempt to lead by example in the area of trade. Like, in case where the single market has been premised based on the assumption that free movement of people is a key dimension of market integration, as a matter of fact, what will this one mean for the position taken by the EU on the freedom of movement of people in order to deliver services? In order for EU to be consistent, it will need to invest political capital and more creativity in ‘globalization with human faces’ as well as the manner in which there could be encouragement of back-and-forth movement of people as an alternative to permanent migration.                   The existing tension between the internal and external is well evidenced over agriculture, and came up in the Doha Round. A lot of questions have been raised over the conflicted position taken by the EU regarding agricultural tariffs and subsidies in its commitment to putting multilateralism at the service of development. As a matter of fact, there is no need for denying European citizens their landscape, food security, and way of life. However, it is important to tell them the much it costs, like the number of people who are now living under $1 a day. Also the question can be whether region-to-region agreements tend to be more about promoting regional integration outside the EU ‘per se’ but not taking the form of a worldwide strategy pushing for convergence with European standards as well as mutual opening of markets, thereby supporting EU incumbents. Time and again representatives of Mercosur have stated that they are aiming to follow the EU’s example, which according to them has made Europe ‘less dependent on the outside world, (the EU has stressed market opening). What is interesting is that the current political leadership in Mercosur, particularly President Lula in Brazil, have kind of supported the EU project over the US-led Free Trade of the Americas Agreement, indicating that the EU’s leverage through trade does not show some indications of legitimacy as compared to that of that of the US, (Stephanie Hanson, and Brianna Lee, 2012).                   Moreover, it seems that EU assumes that the liberal recipe of ‘peace through commerce’ which has indeed seems to have worked so well with them applies uniformly anywhere else. Generally, trade is capable of fueling conflict especially when carried out within a context of corrupt governance, deep social inequalities, and unfair rules, as well as without enough attention being paid to its destructive byproducts like export dependence, adjustment costs, price volatility or illegal trafficking. For EU to bring its external action to be in line with its internal philosophy, it needs to establish trade policies that are also sensitive to these potential conflicts. The current certifications efforts for diamonds or timber constitute tend to be a promising starting point. Equal Partnership vs. Conditional Opening                   There is a fundamental contradiction that exists as well within the very idea of ‘normative’ or ‘soft’ power. The language the EU is speaking is of shared norms which are developed through consensus and co-operation. But on the other hand, trade power tends to be the use of ‘carrots and sticks’ in enforcing such norms on trading partners. We are not even surprised that the incorporation of non-trade conditions in trade deals faces great resistance from developing countries, as they just see this to be a blunt coercion. A growing debate is now going on regarding the effectiveness of conditionality, which is now kind of spilling over from the field of aid to that of trade. Regardless of any instrumental argument, what is still being asked is whether a post-colonial power is not suppose to rely on voluntary change as well as the provision of public goods like its markets in bolstering the likelihood of such change. Do we miss to see a contradiction as the EU tries to export norms of its making, which is predicated based on voluntary co-operation between states using its quasi-coercive leverage through trade? Some of the policies such as the EBA undoubtedly tend to lie at the other end of the spectrum; unconditional opening to be a tool for development; having trust that new export opportunities in themselves is likely to encourage desired changes in the beneficiaries. Nevertheless, is it true that this policy is genuinely taking the interests of developing countries to heart, or it is just a public relations coup on the part of the EU? This is a signal to the rest of the world that the EU was eventually acting upon its pro-developing world rhetoric, the EU managed to find their way out in Hong Kong in generalizing the principle under WTO. So far giving way duty/quota-free access to 97 per cent of the products that originates in least developed countries is not welcomed by majority. Trade Liberalization vs. Domestic Preferences                   There is great tension for the EU as a trade power based on the embedded liberalism compromise. The conflict is in the manner of combining a trade liberalization credo with a primary concern for the social effects of market integration. Often, the EU has been facing social demands for protection that somehow may be going beyond the spirit of embedded liberalism. In response to such demands, the Commission’s trade policy-makers under the leadership of Pascal Lamy have developed a fresh conceptual apparatus based on the fact of collective preferences setting up institutions that are capable of forging collective preferences. The end result is diversification of social choices over health care, inter alia food safety, precaution in the field of biotechnology or welfare rights, cultural diversity, public provision of education and health care. However, it is argued that if these concerns justify protection then the EU has the obligation of providing c ompensation to its trading partners. Conclusion                   Indeed, it seems like EU exploits its formidable trade power for pursuing non-trade objectives through conditionality or through fostering regional trade blocs in its own image. This highlights the way the divergences between member states objectives makes it hard for the EU to signal its resolve to the outside world more clearly. Nonetheless, such divergences are themselves a byproduct or an expression of existing tensions between various alternative priorities or even norms that must simultaneously be committed to by the EU machinery, such as nondiscrimination and bilateral preferential relations, regionalism and multilateralism, western hegemony and mediating power, trade liberalization and domestic preferences, internal and external objectives, equal partnership and conditional opening. Due to the fact that legitimacy tends to be the main currency for an aspiring normative power, it will be difficult for the EU to effectively become a power through t rade without addressing what majority of the world considers being unsustainable contradictions. References Haughton, T. (2007). When does the EU make a difference? Conditionality and the accession process in Central and Eastern Europe. Political Studies Review, 5(2), 233–246. Knodt, M., & Jà ¼nemann, A. (2007). Introduction: Conceptionalizing the EU’s promotion of democracy. In A. Jà ¼nemann & M. Knodt (Eds.), Externe Demokratiefà ¶rderung durch die Europà ¤ische Union-European external democracy promotion (pp. 9–32). Baden-Baden: Nomos. Marshall, M., & Jaggers, K. (2010). Polity IV project: Political regime characteristics and transitions, 1800–2009. Fairfax: Center for Systemic Peace, George Mason University. Stephanie Hanson, and Brianna Lee (2012) Mercosur: South America’s Fractious Trade Bloc. Retrieved 3rd 10, 2014. Teorell, J. (2010). Determinants of democratization: Explaining regime change in the world. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press Tocci, N. (2007). The EU and conflict resolution. Promoting peace in the backyard. London: Routledge. Source document

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Individual Strategic Plan: Conceptualizing a Business Essay,Part-I-Conceptualizing-a-Business Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word paper in which you explain the importance of your selected business’s vision, mission, and values in determining your strategic direction. Please do not write about an existing business. Create a new business and include the following: Define your business, products or services, and customers by developing a mission statement. Ensure that you are differentiating your product or service. Create a vision for this organization that clearly demonstrates your decision on what you want your business to become in the future. Define your guiding principles or values for your selected business considering the topics of culture, social responsibility, and ethics. Analyze how the vision, mission, and values guide the organization’s strategic direction. Evaluate how the organization addresses customer needs and critique how they achieve competitive advantage. Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. For More Homework Goto

Monday, July 29, 2019

Google Company - People Management practices Research Paper

Google Company - People Management practices - Research Paper Example It mainly specializes in the internet engine and allied advertising services. It primarily operates in the U.S, U.K and other countries in the global scene. It is based in California and employs over 20, 000 people. The company is not only known for its innovation and prowess in technology but also for its special HR practices and culture. Its HR practice is known as ‘People Operation’ and it is based on value of the employee relationship and respect. This keeps the employees highly motivated and improves their efficiency and productivity. Approach to Employee Rewards and Motivation In the company’s workplace, employees are considered to be the most important asset. This is owing to the fact that employees perform basic tasks in the organization that are aimed at achieving the company’s goals and objectives. It is important for employees to perform their duties in a positive environment that motivates them to maintain an optimistic attitude that improves th eir productivity. Google takes employee rewards and motivation seriously and has established motivation and rewards practices. In addition to the competent hiring process, Google employs compensation practices to gain a competitive advantage over its rivals. Google’s reward and compensation system is pay for performance based (Great Place to work, 2009). This means that the employees are motivated to deliver quality output so as to get a higher pay. Additionally, the company’s stock option organization ensures that employees get rewarded for the company’s equity linked growth. It was surprising that all the workers requested for a wage reduction in the year 2005 to 2006. These benefits and rewards help the company to recruit employees and motivate them towards achieving the goals and objectives. The employees take part in a wide range of extra curricula activities such as cycling, wine tasting and travelling which keeps them highly motivated and have the desired to work in the company throughout their lives. The company was ranked as the best workplace in the U.S by Fortune magazine in 2009 (Datamonitor, 2009). The company’s goal is to provide rewards and do away with all the obstacles that get in the way of their duties and responsibilities. Some of the rewards include top class dining facilities, laundry rooms, gyms, massage rooms, carwashes, dry cleaning and commuting services. The company believes in the provision of intrinsic and extrinsic rewards owing to the fact that employees are not motivated by monetary incentives alone. This explains the reason why the company has established a culture that highly rewards and motivates employees. One of the best ways of maintaining the company’s culture is by maintaining rewards. Together with its compensation and conventional extrinsic benefits including health and dental benefits, vacation packages, insurance, tuition reimbursement and flex spending accounts, the company also ha s unique benefits. These include an eighteen weeks maternity period at full pay. Additionally, parents get extra benefits during this period that make things easier. They are provided with an allowance to cater for the meals of the newborn and a back- up childcare plan. The company also contributes towards the legal expenses associated with child adoption. These are just some of the extrinsic rewards offered at Google. However, it is clear to note that people who work at the company are motivated by other reasons besides the rewards. They enjoy the freedom and

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Effect of Price on Consumer Brand Perception Research Paper

The Effect of Price on Consumer Brand Perception - Research Paper Example made up of past experiences associated with the brand or product, such as related past purchases, recommendations or cautions from friends or colleagues, or memory of advertising promotion. The most effective of the latter has been shown to be the celebrity endorsement primarily due to the level of perceived similarity between the consumer and the celebrity’s public persona, thus making an emotional connection at the same time they are receiving a recommendation from a perceived friend or colleague in the form of the celebrity. The next step in the thought process is the external search. This is a more physical, plausible search for a product made by a consumer seeking to make an immediate purchase or as part of an ongoing search to stay updated until they're ready to make a purchase (Kamins, 1989). Throughout this process, price comparisons are made from product to product, brand to brand and store to store. Judgment is then made on the information that has been built up duri ng these two steps, internal and external. Only then does the consumer make their decision about which product to purchase, yet this doesn’t end the process. Once they’ve made the purchase, consumers typically conduct a post-purchase evaluation of the product that will result in either satisfaction or post-purchase dissidence. Much of conventional marketing research has shown that consumer decision follows the sequence of need recognition, search for information, alternative evaluation, purchase and then outcomes (Kamins, 1989).  

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Using historical examples account for the differences between Essay - 1

Using historical examples account for the differences between peacekeeping and collective security. compare these concepts to those outlined by Boutros Boutros - Essay Example Indeed, considering the conflict situations which the United Nations has been involved in since the conclusion of World War II, it appears that it has had more failures, and spectacular failures at that, than successes. Rwanda, Bosnia, Somalia and Kosovo are, without doubt, conflicts that will stand out as a testament to the United Nations failures in all of conflict prevention, conflict resolution, peacekeeping and peacemaking. The source of the United Nations’ failure, its apparently persistent inability to fulfil its global peace mission, is the subject of much debate and controversy. Conflict management scholars, such as Clapham (1998) Ross (2000), Richmond (2001), Ghebremeskel (2002), to name but a handful, have identified various reason for the said failures, often presenting contrary explanatory arguments. Clapham (1998), for example, maintains failure to be a natural outcome of flawed peacekeeping, conflict resolution and conflict prevention models, while Ross (2000) maintains it to be a consequence of the UN’s lack of serious resolve. Ghebremeskel (2002), on the other hand, argues that failure is a by-product of the United Nations’ failure to appreciate the difference between peacemaking and collective security on the one hand, and its continued determination to adopt international as opposed to regional peacekeeping and conflict management efforts, on the other. The former United Nations Secretary General Boutros Boutros Ghali, publicly acknowledged the United Nations’ failure at maintaining the peace and preventing conflict. As he argued in Agenda for Peace, this was largely because the peacemaking process was perceived of in either/or terms and not as a continuum which embraced all of conflict prevention, conflict resolution, peacekeeping and post conflict restructuring. The validity of the aforementioned, however, cannot be assessed without

Friday, July 26, 2019

Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education Local plagiarisms Essay

Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education Local plagiarisms - Essay Example Therefore many institutions have laid out guidelines and rules concerning these vices, and even stipulated the penalties for anyone who does not comply. The issue of intertextuality is addressed, which involves the author borrowing and transforming a text or a reader referencing one text in reading another one. Transgressive intertextuality involves the breaching of acceptable borrowing practices. The interpretation of the concept of improper intertextuality varies from one lecturer to another, according to interviews conducted on lecturers from various disciplines. The reasons for this disparity include the unique expectations and practices of each discipline. The results of these interviews showed certain areas where students experienced problems in citing sources. These include poor paraphrasing, students’ identities as the authors, improper understanding of common knowledge, information contained in many sources such that it is difficult to pinpoint its source, and the uni que expectations and practices of each discipline. Therefore it is suggested that there should be a different definition of inappropriate intertextuality for each discipline in order to address various disciplinary perspectives. This paper seeks to evaluate how the problem of plagiarism and collusion is viewed and attempts to curb it in various academic institutions. The paper mainly focuses on the lecturer’s views about transgressive intertextuality in various disciplines like the humanities, history, languages, engineering, law and fashion. The paper has successfully tackled a number of issues. The lecturers’ responses mostly comprised of their own personal interpretations of intertextuality and the experiences that they had encountered while dealing with their students, therefore they were able to give a picture of the real situation that was taking place in the institutions. The paper also highlights the opinions about transgressive intertextuality in various disci plines; therefore the students can get to know what is expected of them in writing academic papers in their respective disciplines (Worton and Still 1991). Suggestions are also given on how to deal with transgressive intertextuality. The lecturers who were interviewed gave details about how they had punished the culprits and other steps that they had taken to reduce the misconduct. The study also highlights the future repercussions of indulging in plagiarism and collusion. Some of the interviewees expressed the feelings of anger and sympathy for those students who were practicing plagiarism because they felt that they were jeopardizing their careers. Cases of plagiarism can also lead to termination of grants. According to Maier (2011), plagiarism tarnishes the professional reputation of an individual and may make it hard to secure a job in the future because the prospective employers may view you as dishonest and lazy, and therefore not fit to work for them. The study also clarifies that it is not possible to treat the issue of transgressive intertextuality in the same manner across all disciplines because different disciplines have varying demands. For instance, a history student is expected to come up with an account from an existing text while a literature student tries to interpret and react to written works. Therefore any copying in literature is not tolerated while historians do not deal with it severely because they understand that students will always use other peoples work in writing

Decision Support Systems in Medicine Research Paper

Decision Support Systems in Medicine - Research Paper Example This computerized system would ease the timely calculation of the organization’s payroll and with very little chance of any errors in those calculations. Information Systems can be viewed as work systems where all activities are centered towards digital processing of data provided to them. An information system constitutes of: A Computing device, A storage device in order to store data being processed and also the outputs. Previous data bank Instructions and procedures. INFORAMTION SYSTEMS TYPES Categorically there may be several types of information systems. This categorization is with respect to the difference in the organizational levels that exist. The types may be narrated as follows: Transaction Processing Systems- example: Payroll systems, Order Processing System. Office Automation Systems- example: Word Processing Systems. Knowledge Work Systems- example: Engineering Workstation. Decision Support Systems- Clinical Support Systems. Management Information Systems  œ Sales Management Systems. Executive Support Systems – High Level Managerial Forecasting Systems MEDICAL INFORMATICS The infusion of Information Technology in the field of health and medicine has led to the rebirth of the said field. Technological advancements that have affected the field of health have affected the human society as a whole directly and have mostly proved to be beneficial rather than hazardous. Formally speaking, the definition of Medical Informatics, as quoted at, is stated as follows:   Medical Informatics  is the "scientific field that deals with biomedical information, data, and knowledge - their storage, retrieval, and optimal use for problem solving and decision making. It accordingly touches on all basic and applied fields in... According to the research medical informatics is the "scientific field that deals with biomedical information, data, and knowledge - their storage, retrieval, and optimal use for problem solving and decision making. It accordingly touches on all basic and applied fields in biomedical science and is closely tied to modern information technologies, notably in the areas of computing and communication (medical computer science)". Thus, in the light of the above-mentioned definition, medical informatics can very well be termed as the handling of data with respect to health and medicine with the assistance of computers and computer related systems. Medical information management, or simply put, the managing of all information related to health and medicine has become an integral part of the health care profession in the modern times. The present state of health and medicine cannot be executed without the involvement of information systems that are computer based. Decision support systems a re one of the types of information systems that assist in medicine. They can be termed as information systems that assist in decision making. Improved decision making can be achieved by information systems that are flexible, interactive and adaptable. Recent advancements in Health informatics pertaining specifically to the implementation of information technology in the present day hospitals is ideally referred to as a means of reduction of distress for the patient as well as the practitioner.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Creativity and Group dynamic Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Creativity and Group dynamic - Assignment Example When Danny and Rusty set out to find a team for themselves, they were looking for people who were either too smart in what they do, or they thought differently. This team was made up of people who were unique in their own way, yet when they worked together on this plan, they got successful in what no one else could do. Each of the team member was creative is his own way. They all thought of brilliant ideas and carried out the entire plan successfully. They were however different from each other. In one occasion we could see two of the men were acting like gays which annoyed their other team member. There were white men and there were black men, there were Americans and there was even a Chinese, there were 18 year old boys and 50+ year old man as well. What brought success to the team was how they gelled in with each other; how they accepted each other as they are and worked together as a team. What is remarkable about the group dynamics of this team is that how they communicated well with each other and how they knew about the strengths and weaknesses of each other. While working in a team it is very important that you know each other very well; you should know your team member’s strengths and their weaknesses as well. ... Although each member was creative in his own domain, there were obviously some limitations. Some members could not practice their creative ideas because they did not appeal to their other team members. There were also limitations from the environment. While you are working in a group, you have to take decisions that are approved by everyone, especially the leader. You simply cannot practice your creativity without the agreement of you teammates. And this leads to creative thinking in limitations. When creativity is at peak, an individual or group can also innovate new product, service or an idea. In this movie, they innovated new ways of robbery. Although the idea does not bring something new that helps the society, but it did create a new way of completing their mission. Although the movie is about robbery, we could clearly the aspect of creativity and group dynamics in their mission. From the way team was formed, to how Danny led it, to how they carried out all the tasks; it showed a great team where all members had only one focus-to steal the vault’s money. Bibliography Naiman, L. (2010). What is Creativity? Retrieved May 21, 2011, from Creativity at work:

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 28

Business - Essay Example Securities and Exchange Commission, â€Å", Inc†). With an increasing number of internet users as well as expansion of business through e-commerce, online business has become intensely competitive. The most prominent competitors of majorly include other online e-commerce sites, media companies and traditional retail companies. In the online retail industry, there are many other factors which tend to create a significant impact over the competencies possessed by including pricing regulations, convenience, and quality assurance, time-efficient delivery of the ordered product and reliability of the systems used to execute the entire process. It is in this context that, being considered as one of the pioneers in the online retail industry, has witnessed steep rise in demands along with rapidly altering preferences amid customers. Hence, it becomes quite likely that competition, in the upcoming days will be increasingly intense due to the rapid advancement in information technology as well as increasing c ustomer awareness (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, â€Å",

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Communication and organizational performance Essay

Communication and organizational performance - Essay Example The work of management is to facilitate formal communication in all levels of the hierarchy to ensure proper spread of correct data, directives and initiatives so as to raise the output of the firm. Basically, significant announcements, policy changes, information affecting the organization management, rule and procedures are all made available through communication. The management thus uses this vital tool to manipulate understanding and ensure that the employees comply with organizational directives by facilitating both formal and informal communication. The mode and tone of conversation in communication set the boundaries in the firm between the parties. The communication pattern is essential since, through it, most of the goals are met in the organization. Individuals are encouraged to bring out their feelings, concerns and even proposals to the management all of which are achieved through communication. There are various ways and in a different scenario through which the managem ent uses communication to ensure that the goal are achieved. Firstly, in any organization, a proper team is required to meet the activities. In other words, a reliable human resource is normally selected to meet the activities and work in the firm within a period. This requires proper advertising, recruitment and training of the appropriate team and an eventual induction in the office place. The process of recruitment entails setting up job advertisements with specifications so as to reach a wide base and also facilitating a team to select the most appropriate and qualified personnel that will meet the target of the firm. All these processes entail communication between the outside world and the internal parts of the management. To meet the directives of a firm communication is used during recruitment to achieve a strong team that is capable of producing the expected output. Secondly, a brilliant and a clear sense of the organizational direction are essential if the objectives of th e firm re to be met. This promotes the corporate health as it maintains awareness and focus of the core business, purpose, strategies and the visions of the firm. Communication is a tool used to achieve this awareness in the induction process where all employees are detailed on the corporate policies and structure of the firm. Subordinates are informed of the policy changes and information from the supervisors through an efficient channel of communication. If an agency is to maintain high performance in a particular sector, a continuous circulation of information is essential both formally and informally. The middle management level receives information from the top management and communicates this to the low level which reciprocates this to the top level management. Informal communication is also established, and a rapport created in the internal environment so as to create free interactions of the workers. Informal communication is actually essential as it accelerates the flow of information thus speeding up the communication process. However, when this is overused in a firm, it distorts the leadership pattern and undermines the management structure of the firm through too much familiarity (Kuhn, 2008, p.1234). The chain of command thus becomes

Monday, July 22, 2019

Video games affecting children Essay Example for Free

Video games affecting children Essay Video games around the world have become immensely popular, a multi-billion dollar industry. An industry which revolves around the wants and desires of children and teens. An industry with a creation of unique entertainment like no other. An industry that continues to grow rapidly. Hours and hours are spent each day by youths playing these games, but are they really good for them? Are they educational? Games which educate a child’s mind exist but they wouldn’t be as popular as your top seller shooting game. Nowhere even close. Here I am today to tell, to inform, and to enlighten parents on the dangers of letting your child play these violent games. As a child, I found that my parents seemed to push away all sorts of violent games, no matter how badly I wanted them. It didn’t seem to make sense at first but as I grew older, I saw the younger generation getting addicted to games like these and without doubt, showed a different behaviour and attitude. In this modern age, a child or teen is quite likely to have a gaming console or access to the internet or a friend who does. With these, they can play or access games which may contain violent content. As youths play these games in excess, they tend to act out what they may see or hear in front of their friends and family. It gives them a tendency to act aggressive and violent. They learn new things, like bad language. They may use foul language against their friends and possibly repeat violent stunts at home. These games are full of foul language, bloody scenes and criminal behaviour. It gives them a prospect for confrontation with peers, with siblings, with parents and even with their teachers. They engage in fights which in turn could cause possible decline in their studies. They could even brush aside their school work to sit in front of a television because it’s like an addiction to them. The question is: should parents be encouraged to disallow their son or daughter to be entertained by these types of video games? The answer is up to you, as parents. It is up to you to observe whether you see a change in attitude among your kids and if in a negative way, then you should take action in order for your child to behave in an appropriate manner among people. Games like these are everywhere, so your child will grow up in an environment where they will play them. Although, it is always recommended to look at the age rating of the game before you buy it, to see whether or not your son or daughter fits into the category of restriction. You can even set limits on how long they should be allowed to play games, just so they don’t get too involved with the theme of the game. It’s absolutely paramount for a child to grow up in a positive environment. In my opinion, games that involve the likes of drugs, bloodshed, criminal behaviour, foul language and violence should not be banned, but put into higher restriction everywhere. There should be more age limitations and games that involve hostility at a lower level. So parents, do you know what games your children are playing? Have a look.

History and Evolution of Leadership

History and Evolution of Leadership A leader. as always said, is born, not made, but leadership is certainly a continual evolution process of qualities like vision, commitment, discipline, trust, integrity, innovation, motivation, authority, dedication, humility, creativity etc., within leaders. Most of these qualities, if not all, in a leader contribute to the success of an organisation. For a reputed business school like Cardiff Business School, choosing a leader who can shape the aspirations enhancement of the institution to become ideal Business establishment is very vital. at the same time intricate. Choice of new Dean to replace Professor McNabb should be influenced inspired by the facts that how much the new Head is able to contribute towards the institutions achievement perform greatly in the new role. To evaluate this we need to have a brief idea about leadership theories performances. A look on the history of leadership finds that the literature on leadership performance can be broadly categorized into a number of important phases. (Ogbonna, 2000; Harris, 2000). Early studies on the leadership skills concentrated on identifying the personality traits which characterized successful leaders, and are known as ‘trait studies (Argyris, 1955; Mahoney et al., 1960). Trait theories assume that successful leaders are ‘born and that the leader has certain innate qualities which distinguish them from non-leaders (Stodgill, 1948). Ralf Stodgill reviewed hundreds of trait studies (1948, 1974, p.81) over a period of time, which can be summarized as the personality traits and other in-born qualities of the leader can be identified it is possible to select those individuals promote them into leadership positions, they then emerge to take power, regardless of the social organization or historical context. Another set of approach is ‘Set ‘Behavioural the ories. It summarises about the behaviour style that a leader chooses or adopts to solve problems. (Hemphill and Coons, 1957; Likert, 1961). Similarly the Viewpoint of theories like situational contingency is that leadership effectiveness is dependent on the leaders diagnosis understanding of situational factors, followed by the adoption of the appropriate style to deal with each circumstance. (Ogbonna, 2000; Harris, 2000). All the theories reviewed above illustrate that leader plays a very important role in the progress performance of the organisation. But if one critically evaluates the affect that a leader has on the organisation then, one can say that the decision a leader takes can sometimes be restrained by certain factors. Some people argue that constraints placed on leaders are due to situational factors. Although there have been few studies that have a direct bearing on this important issue, research on sports organisations has tended to support this argument. In practice however, this argument has rested heavily on the findings of just one major study that of Lieberson and OConnor (1972), which has become the most commonly cited evidence of this issue and which is widely regarded as the major counterpoint to the proposition that leadership makes a difference. (Thomas, 1988) One more key aspect to discuss here is that of sex differences in leadership, as our main concern is to look for the leader that can be Head of Cardiff Business School, we should not be biased to only one gender. Male leaders are rated as more effective conscientious then female leaders, but A Meta-analytic review of 17 studies examining sex differences in leadership indicates that male and female leaders exhibit equal amounts of initiating structure and consideration and have equally satisfied sub-ordinates. (Platz, 1986). More More women are becoming managers; this rise in trend is because of the federal implication which prohibits sex discrimination in employment. Despite this rise many individuals still believe that men are better leaders. (Bass, Krusell, Alexander, 1971; Bowman, Worthy, Greyser, 1965; Rosen Jerdee, 1978; Schein, 1973) there are some evidence to refute this argument indicating that men and women may differ in personality characteristics which affects the lea dership styles effectiveness. (Hoffman, 1972; Maier, 1970; Megargee, 1969; OLeary Depner, 1975; Templeton Morrow, 1972) Furthermore several studies have demonstrated that men and women differ in leadership behaviours also. (Bartal Butterfield, 1976; Petty Lee 1975)

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Marketing Strategies Of Insurance Sector Commerce Essay

Marketing Strategies Of Insurance Sector Commerce Essay The new detarotted pricing regime requires an altogether different underwriting model. None exists now. A new model has to be put in place with no prior experience. Underwriting, that was done by the tariff book till now, needs the application of a sharp human mind, professional expertise, keen knowledge of a particular risk, a sensitive analysis of risk factors and their evaluation, a reflection of the insurers own past claim experience in respect to similar risks accepted to predict the future loss potential of the risk assumed and a cultivated ability to build a rate model that provides a margin to the insurer. With no past experience to guide their efforts, how will the insurers now pick-up these underwriting skills, expertise and knowledge base in a short time? How can the employee mindset, that looked to tariffs for the premium rates be persuaded to look at and collect the vast data that is required to price risks to fit the perceived risk factors? What are insurers doing to make their specialized underwriters acquire these levels of skills, expertise and knowledge? It takes time to build expertise and experience but a beginning has to be made. An insurer is also forced now to redefine his identity either as a low-cost insurer and cut premium rates to stay in business or consciously build price differentiators, because he provides and delivers superior customer-perceived value. Such delivered value may not be financial, but it is highly efficient effective and convenient to an insured, due to the insurers specialized expertise, his particularized. PLACE OR DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS Distribution refers to the arrangements by which the product after manufacturing is moved till it reaches the customer. There are various intermediaries in every business like wholesalers, retailers, etc. In the service business, agents and brokers are intermediaries in the transaction. Insurance business is sold through agents as intermediaries. In India, the regulation provide that an insurance agent can represent only on life and one non-life insurer. An agent has to obtain a licence from the IRDA. Brokers also act as insurance intermediaries. But they are different from agents in the sense that they are independent businessmen either working alone or in partnership. Brokers may be found in the non-life insurance business helping customers whose insurance requirements are complex. They handle big risks and need superior financial and analytical skills. Intermediaries play a very significant role when the claim has to be settled. They have to see that the legitimate claim is duly paid without delays. The other intermediaries at the stage of the claim are: In the case of general insurance, surveyors and loss assessors, who are independent professionals, who are called upon to inspect the damages and losses claimed against. Motor accident claims tribunal to adjudicate on the quantum of compensation that should be paid to the victims of motor accidents. Lok Adalats consisting of judges, to enable expeditious summary disposal of long-pending disputes regarding claims. Review committees (in the LIC) at different levels, the top most being headed by a high court judge, to review claims which have been repudiated on grounds of misrepresentation of fraud. Other organizations like hospitals (for healthcare and medical insurances) or garages (for motor repairs) who facilitate the claims settlements. Direct Marketing Marketing of insurance products can also be done directly. The media used for direct marketing are: Direct mail. Letters sent to consumers on the basis of addresses available from sources like telephone directory, membership lists of clubs and professional associations, stock exchange brokers or registrars to companies. Telephone contacts Television programmes of relatively longer duration Advertisements and loose insertion in main line as well as professional and trade journals. Displays in conferences, services for specialized products linked to the themes of the seminars. Direct contact from the Insurers salaried staff. Stalls in exhibitions and sole exhibitions in remote areas. Call centres or Service centres Kiosks with touch technology Over the counter in big stores. In India, direct marketing is done by the LIC for its group gratuity and superannuation business. In non-life insurance business, almost the entire business from corporate bodies had been done through direct marketing. This business was solicited by the officers of the insurers and not through agents. The internet has opened up new possibilities in direct marketing. Insurance is being used for the following purposes. To provide basic information about available plans to prospects. To provide answers to frequently asked questions about insurance. To provide details of nearest location of insureds representative To provide quotations for premium and for loans To provide information to policyholders about policy status, pending requirements, etc. For premium collection To sell simple policies like personal accident, medical householders pure endowment, annuities, etc. Work Site Marketing This area needs to be tapped, as in any country one of the biggest markets is through the work site. With changes in human resources management policies and compensation packages, group products or work site products do have a definite market that cannot be ignored. Here the advantages would be: Captive customer base Potential to sell individual insurance and group insurance High trust factor High hit ratio for the intermediaries The challenges would be the cost effectiveness, product customization and efficient post-sales servicing, which would determine continued business. Technology has a key role to play in work site marketing to ensure cost benefits. Banks and financial institutions have been successfully marketing credit cards and other financial products using this channel. If not an identical model a similar approach can be used for selling insurance. Internet Through India is joining the fast growing breed of net users, using net for transactions has not yet caught up. Though a few banks provide online banking the usage is still a small fragment. The insecurity associated with transactions over the net is still an inhibiting factor. At present, most of the insurance companies have product information and/or illustrative tools on the Web. We do not see the web evolving into a means for direct selling of insurance in the current scenario. In the Indian market, where insurance is sold after considerable persuasion even after face-to-face selling, the selling over the net, which must be initiated by the client, would take some more time. While the technology capability is there, improvements in bandwidth and infrastructure are needed. Also needed are simpler products where auto-underwriting is possible. Automobile insurance, one of the segments of insurance purchased off the shelf in India, would be the ideal segment to start with. On the life side, term assurance for standard lives with simplified underwriting is a possibility. These channels by themselves will not be able to overcome the mindset of the people, but rather can only be enablers for the human channels. Invisible Insurer In this model, the insurance company or its representative is not the entity marketing the products. The insurance cover is sold by an automobile/credit card company as an add-on product leveraging the brand of the retailer. The risk is carried by the insurance company, which underwrites it. Products like creditor insurance, automobile insurance, and credit card related insurance could be distributed using this channel. This model can be adopted in all market segments for the lines of business mentioned. It is already prevalent in some areas like credit card insurance and crop insurance for agriculture loans. The new players are also attempting this model. The venture of Maruti9 into insurance by setting up two subsidiaries MIDS10 and MIBL11 to sell automobile insurance is a case in point. These firms will largely arrange insurance cover for Marutis captive base. MIDS has been registered as a corporate agent with an exclusive arrangement with Bajaj Allianz General Insurance, while MIBL has linked up with state-owned National Insurance Company Limited. What makes these arrangements attractive is the low distribution cost and captive customer base. However, repeat business or renewal business cannot be assured. In the life segment, group creditor insurance may be the most suitable product for this channel. The postal department started selling life insurance policies way back in 1884 to people working in public sector undertakings and government departments. In 1995, postal department was allowed to sell policies to the general public living in rural areas. The postal life insurance ranks second only to LIC in transacting life insurance business. Last year, business of postal department was higher than of all private life insurers put together. On an all India basis, they sold 27 lakh policies and earned a premium income of Rs. 650 crores. USP is a lower premium and higher bonus, but what is unique is that they dont have any insurance agents selling postal life insurance policies. The business is promoted by a few designated staff and is managed by a separate directorate. PROMOTION The purpose of promotion is to communicate with the market. Promotion tries to influence attitudes and receptivity to eliminate misconceptions and thus to more sales. The IRDA has issued guidelines about advertisements by insurers and the agents or brokers in newspapers, magazines, sales talks, bill boards, hoardings, panels, radio, television, websites, e-mail, portals, leaflets, literature, circulars, sales and flyers, telephone solicitation, business cards, videos, faxes or other communication with a prospect or policyholder urging him to purchase, renew, increase or modify a policy of insurance. The main requirements are: The advertisement programme has to be overseen by an officer responsible for compliance with the regulations. A copy of every advertisement should be filled with the IRDA. Advertisements should disclose the full particulars of the insurer, as well as the form number and type of coverage of the policy referred to. Display the registration/licence numbers on their websites. No third party, other than insurer or authorized intermediary can distribute information or recommended purchase of specific insurance products. Advertisements should not be unfair or misleading. Along with the advertisements, publicity is also an equally strong medium of promotion. In the case of services, the most effective form of publicity is the word of mouth. But both advertisements and publicity can create awareness and also arouse curiosity or interest. These are not powerful enough to generate desire or to provoke action. Thus public relations become important. Public relations refer to separate, planned and sustained efforts made with a view to establish and maintain mutually beneficial relationships between an organization and its prospective customers. PR tools include; all the tools of publicity, lobbying, journals/newsletters, sponsorship of sports and other activities, special drives, entertainment, lunches and dinners, etc. PEOPLE People are the most critical resource in any organization. Without people, no other resource can perform. An employee, who is dissatisfied or worried, may not apply himself fully at work. At the same of interaction with the customer, the employee is alone. The insurance service is judiciary in nature. Thus credibility or trustworthiness, in the perception of the customer, is crucial. The employee can strengthen or erode this. Critical Success Factors for Insurance Change in the Attitude of the Population. There is need for a change in the attitude of the people towards insurance. Insurance is taken just as a tool for tax-saving. But insurance can be taken as shield around their families and business for any unknown calamity and also now-a-days insurance provides good investment opportunity. Thus people have to be made aware about the risk coverage and investment part of the insurance. Open and Transparent Environment created under the IRDA. Insurance as a sector requires players who are financially strong and are willing to wait for returns. Their confidence can only be boosted only if there are open and transparent policy guidelines. This will also help the consumers feel stage that the regulatory is an active one and cares to do everything possible to keep things under control and help the insurance environment grow maturely. Well-established Distribution Network. Bancassurance is becoming more and more popular. Public sector banks like SBI, PNB, etc. have huge network because of their long existence. Therefore they can be successful. Trained Professionals. Initially only insurance agents were considered to be the best salesmen for insurance products. But now with Privatisation and Globalisation more and more professionalism is required in sales efforts. Private players have professional qualified sales force. Rationale Approach to the Investment Criteria. IRDA has guidelines for the investment pattern of the insurance companies to meet its social obligations. But the players feel this compulsion to be unjust and it affects their return on investments. The more the people insured, better the revenue, better the security and ultimately better the morale and productivity. Stringent Accounting Practice to Prevent Failures amongst the Insurers. Insurer has the hard-earned money of the masses. Failure of any of the insurer for any reason can have disastrous effects. To prevent such possibility, a stringent accounting practice is imperative. Level Playing Field for all Insurers. Government should provide unbiased environment to all the insurance players, so that everybody has equal opportunities. With coming of private players, LIC is also focusing on advertising and has become one of the biggest advertisers of its products via using wide range of products, i.e., print and electronic media, sponsoring events, road shows, etc. LIC is focusing both on mass marketing and segmentation strategy. Main focus of promotion activities is one tax benefit and returns from insurance. LIC is focusing on CRM. Challenges for Public and Private Sector Companies Public Sector Companies Private Sector Companies Identity is well established, but the perception of poor service providers is a stigma. Products are not attractive and flexible enough but expensive. To retain their creamy layer clientele who are the most likely to be wooed by the new companies Retain and attract good intermediaries. Match the aura created by the new companies in the urban market. Have to build their identity in a market where the public does not distinguish them. Remove the perception that anything that looks good as expensive. Work against the peoples mindset that they are not here for the long term. Attract intermediaries especially agents with the requisite qualifications and attributes who can market the company and the product. Run the risk of tapping an already insured market for repeat insurance instead of tapping new virgin pockets in the market. MARKETING STRATEGIES OF INSURANCE PLAYERS IN INDIA Introduction of innovative products and services focusing on targeted customer segment. Use the concept of CRM and develop relationship with customers to retain the existing customer and make new customers. Availing the products and services at low cost and with short times. Insurance players have to focus on employees by focusing on their skills and motivating them for continuous improvements in process capabilities, quality and response times. Taking the help of information technology, database and systems in an optimum manner. Punch Line of Some Players Life Insurance corporation of India ICICI Prudential ING Vyasa Birla Sun Life HDFC Standard OM Kotak Mahindra Tata AIG Max New York Bajaj Allianz AMP Sanmar Life is Beautiful. Zindegi ke sath bhi, Zindegi ke bad bhi. We cover you at every step in life. Adding life to insurance Your dreams, our commitment Making life easier for you Jeene ki Azaadi With you always Your Partner for Life We cover almost everything Creating better futures Marketing Strategies of Prominent Insurance Players Life Insurance Corporation of India : LIC is the leader in the insurance sector with around 83% market share. LIC has tied up with corporation bank and Vijaya Bank for distribution of its product. LIC has computerized and linked all 2,048 branches. LIC was the first to introduce online premium payment facilities. LIC is focusing on rural market because of its established brand name. ICICI Pru Life. ICICI Pru is the major competitor of LIC. It has the maximum market share among private players. Companies using tools like workstation marketing, corporate marketing, road shows and stall in trade fair, loading, etc. Its strategy is to achieve scale in premium income and distribution force in shortest time. Focus is more on direct selling apart from communication and building personal relations. Company is marketing at worksite and for corporate customers ha adopted a multichannel distribution model. Company is selling its products as long-term investment plans. Max New York Life (MNYL). Max New York Life is operating with 2,500 agents spread in activities in India. It is using individual agents as its primary source of distribution. It offers flexible products with many options, and riders. The company is using various methods like media advertising, event sponsorship, etc. and tools like direct marketing relationship building to generate awareness and build customer base. The company focuses on the quality of its first sales personnel, i.e., agents. MetLife. MetLife is a global leader in the financial services and it has tied up with Geojet Infolin technologies for marketing and distribution of its products in India. It has followed the strategy of phase-wise introduction of products in the market. It has Bundle method of offering products which includes investment options ranging from insurance, equities, derivatives, mutual funds and TPOs. The market segment on which MetLife is focusing is South India and JK. Tata AIG. The company is following mass marketing to cover as many as lives as possible in the initial years of its operation. It has expertise in assessing the risk covered. Bajaj-Allianz. It is giving competition to public sector general insurance companies. Its main focus is on automobile. Its advertisements are appearing in local newspapers, television and hoarding. Birla-Sun Life. It is focusing mainly on high net worth people so that higher sum assured can be taken up. SBI Standard Life Its products are simple. It is doing branch-wise segmentation. Average size of the policies is smaller. HDFC Standard Life. HDFC is the leader in housing finance in India and Standard Life is the UK market leader. The company is using direct marketing tactics to build HDFC brand and convincing the customers insurance as a protection tool. The insurance sector has gained momentum with the entry of private players. Rather than taking away the market share of existing players, the new players have actually helped expand the insurance market. Their ability to offer innovative products aggressive marketing, as well as the general uptrend in economic growth, have given a boost to the industry. In fact, more players, with public sector banks and leading industrialists jumping into the fray. We take a look at the two major segments life and general to see how the major players are faring.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

The First Female Prime Minister of Canada :: essays research papers

Kim Campbell, Canada's first female Prime Minister, rose quickly in her political standings reaching, what she would find to be the height of her career only seven years after entering politics. It appeared like the loss of the 1993 election and the all around destruction of the Progressive Conservative party was completely Kim Campbell’s fault however actually was a joint effort by Brian Mulroney and Kim Campbell. Kim Campbell rose so quickly in her political status that she did not have the experience that most of the others MPs had at her level. The Tories were finishing their second term in power and the people of Canada were displeased with Brain Mulroney by the time of his resignation. Kim Campbell was voted in as Prime Minister by her party and was not elected by the people of Canada. During the 1993 election Kim Campbell had an American company make a commercial that mocked Liberal party leader Jean Chrà ©tien’s physical disability. Kim Campbell’s first entered politics in 1986. She first won a provincial seat in Vancouver and in 1988 she won her bid for the House of Commons. She had many good ideas, one of them being the USA-Canada Free Trade Agreement. This part of her campaign was recognized by Brian Mulroney who was the current Prime Minister. In 1989 Mulroney appointed Kim Campbell to the position of Minister of State for Indian and Northern Affairs. Later, in 1990 she was appointed Minister of Justice and a year later became the Minister of Defence. Just two years after becoming Minister of Defence and 7 years after entering politics, she ran for leader of the Progressive Conservative party and became Brian Mulroney's successor. Kim Campbell inexperience in the world of politics gave her a huge disadvantage when things started to go wrong. Brain Mulroney and the Tories had been in power for two terms, a total of 9 years. The Canadians had become tired of Brian Mulroney and his Progressive Conservative government, so when it w as announced that he would resign most Canadians were happy to see him go. However his resignation did mean the end of the Progressive Conservatives power in Canada. Canadians unhappy with what the Progressive Conservatives had done chose to elect an other party. When Brain Mulroney resigned there was, in place of a federal election, a leadership convention. The Tories just had to elect a new leader who would then become the Prime Minister.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Parties in Fitzgeralds The Great Gatsby Essay -- essays research pape

Gatsby's house serves as a key symbol of aspiration, reflecting both Gatsby's success as an American self-made man and the mirage of an identity he has created to win Daisy's love. Gatsby follows his American dream as he buys the house to be across the bay from Daisy, and has parties to gain wide-spread recognition in order to impress her. In the beginning of the novel, Fitzgerald sets the scene describing how the party was prepared and when the entertainment arrived. At these parties, an extreme amount of preparation went into the food. According to the account of Nick Carraway, Jay's neighbor, the caterers rolled out numbers of tables with load upon load of every variety of food imaginable. Each table was delicately stacked with all different and exotic types of foods. Few of the guests know the host or are even invited at all. This chapter builds on the idea that there is something not only mysterious, but sinister, about Gatsby. As Nick makes his way to the party he sees "A whole pit full of oboes and trombones and saxophones and viols and cornets?" Fitzgerald uses polysyndeton, the repetition of conjunctions. He chooses a technique to put emphases on how important Gatsby?s parties are to others, like Nick, who?s impressed by Gatsby?s turnouts but mostly everyone shows up to make a known appearance to put their name out in other industries of businesses. Cars are lined up "five deep in the drive" and everyone has on extravagant attire to impress one another. If there are masses of people trying to find a parking space just to get into the party, this shows that Gatsby is a well-known person and that he is very generous when it comes to public events. It also drew people's attention to come a check out what was going o... stable.? This concludes that even though most women were intoxicated, it seems as if they did it on purpose to get more attention from themselves. While the married women weaving to and fro, the other women would look for their husbands to possibly find a new mate to support them through their hard times as well. Everyone at this party was corrupt and if you looked deep enough into their personal lives, you could see it was nothing but hollowness. The only thing that mattered to them was their appearance and how they can achieve their own American dream by climbing the social latter. This passage also relates to recklessness, ignorance and greed. All of these qualities represented to fake people who showed up to party jus to be seen. All in all, Fitzgerald gave a wonderful description on how Gatsby?s party scene affected him and others around him. Parties in Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby Essay -- essays research pape Gatsby's house serves as a key symbol of aspiration, reflecting both Gatsby's success as an American self-made man and the mirage of an identity he has created to win Daisy's love. Gatsby follows his American dream as he buys the house to be across the bay from Daisy, and has parties to gain wide-spread recognition in order to impress her. In the beginning of the novel, Fitzgerald sets the scene describing how the party was prepared and when the entertainment arrived. At these parties, an extreme amount of preparation went into the food. According to the account of Nick Carraway, Jay's neighbor, the caterers rolled out numbers of tables with load upon load of every variety of food imaginable. Each table was delicately stacked with all different and exotic types of foods. Few of the guests know the host or are even invited at all. This chapter builds on the idea that there is something not only mysterious, but sinister, about Gatsby. As Nick makes his way to the party he sees "A whole pit full of oboes and trombones and saxophones and viols and cornets?" Fitzgerald uses polysyndeton, the repetition of conjunctions. He chooses a technique to put emphases on how important Gatsby?s parties are to others, like Nick, who?s impressed by Gatsby?s turnouts but mostly everyone shows up to make a known appearance to put their name out in other industries of businesses. Cars are lined up "five deep in the drive" and everyone has on extravagant attire to impress one another. If there are masses of people trying to find a parking space just to get into the party, this shows that Gatsby is a well-known person and that he is very generous when it comes to public events. It also drew people's attention to come a check out what was going o... stable.? This concludes that even though most women were intoxicated, it seems as if they did it on purpose to get more attention from themselves. While the married women weaving to and fro, the other women would look for their husbands to possibly find a new mate to support them through their hard times as well. Everyone at this party was corrupt and if you looked deep enough into their personal lives, you could see it was nothing but hollowness. The only thing that mattered to them was their appearance and how they can achieve their own American dream by climbing the social latter. This passage also relates to recklessness, ignorance and greed. All of these qualities represented to fake people who showed up to party jus to be seen. All in all, Fitzgerald gave a wonderful description on how Gatsby?s party scene affected him and others around him.

Thermal Physics :: essays research papers

Thermal Physics – 340  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Exam #1 Due Monday, February 18th, at the start of class As discussed in class, submission of your solutions to this exam will indicate that you have not communicated with others concerning this exam. You may use reference texts and other information at your disposal. Do all problems separately on clean white standard 8.5† X 11† photocopier paper (no notebook paper or scratch paper). Write on only one side of the paper (I don’t do double sided). Staple the entire solution set in the upper left hand corner (no binders or clips). Don’t turn in pages where you have scratched out or erased excessively, re-write the pages cleanly and neatly. All problems are equally weighted. Assume we are working with â€Å"normal† pressures and temperatures with ideal gases unless noted otherwise. Make sure you list all assumptions that you use (symmetry, isotropy, binomial expansion, etc.). 1. A container has one wall which contains many small holes, and outside the container is vacuum. If the container is filled with He at pressure Po, it is found that after one hour the pressure inside the container is Po/2. The container is now filled with an equal number of He and Ne atoms to a total pressure of Po. (a). Calculate the ratio of the number of Ne to He atoms left in the container after one hour. (b). Would this problem be more difficult if the atoms were initially C and H? Explain from two standpoints, the realistic standpoint and the physics-land standpoint. The latter explanation should invoke the assumptions made in the ideal gas model, the former something you know about chemistry. (c). Explain why such a container might be useful in the case of isotopes, especially a series of such containers set up so that what comes out of the first goes into the second and so on. 2. A He and H atom collide elastically in a head-on collision. (a). If they have the same kinetic energy (KE) to begin with, which one gains KE? Answer this by calculating the amount gained and lost for both, relative to their initial value. (b). Suppose the atoms had the same mass but different kinetic energies? Do not do a detailed calculation here, but instead make a physical argument as to why the â€Å"slower† thus â€Å"cooler† atoms would slow down the faster, hotter atoms. This is one process for the moderation of hot neutrons in a nuclear fission reactor by the water used as its coolant. Thermal Physics :: essays research papers Thermal Physics – 340  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Exam #1 Due Monday, February 18th, at the start of class As discussed in class, submission of your solutions to this exam will indicate that you have not communicated with others concerning this exam. You may use reference texts and other information at your disposal. Do all problems separately on clean white standard 8.5† X 11† photocopier paper (no notebook paper or scratch paper). Write on only one side of the paper (I don’t do double sided). Staple the entire solution set in the upper left hand corner (no binders or clips). Don’t turn in pages where you have scratched out or erased excessively, re-write the pages cleanly and neatly. All problems are equally weighted. Assume we are working with â€Å"normal† pressures and temperatures with ideal gases unless noted otherwise. Make sure you list all assumptions that you use (symmetry, isotropy, binomial expansion, etc.). 1. A container has one wall which contains many small holes, and outside the container is vacuum. If the container is filled with He at pressure Po, it is found that after one hour the pressure inside the container is Po/2. The container is now filled with an equal number of He and Ne atoms to a total pressure of Po. (a). Calculate the ratio of the number of Ne to He atoms left in the container after one hour. (b). Would this problem be more difficult if the atoms were initially C and H? Explain from two standpoints, the realistic standpoint and the physics-land standpoint. The latter explanation should invoke the assumptions made in the ideal gas model, the former something you know about chemistry. (c). Explain why such a container might be useful in the case of isotopes, especially a series of such containers set up so that what comes out of the first goes into the second and so on. 2. A He and H atom collide elastically in a head-on collision. (a). If they have the same kinetic energy (KE) to begin with, which one gains KE? Answer this by calculating the amount gained and lost for both, relative to their initial value. (b). Suppose the atoms had the same mass but different kinetic energies? Do not do a detailed calculation here, but instead make a physical argument as to why the â€Å"slower† thus â€Å"cooler† atoms would slow down the faster, hotter atoms. This is one process for the moderation of hot neutrons in a nuclear fission reactor by the water used as its coolant.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Legislation, Regulatory Requirements and Codes of Conduct

Legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of conduct There are many codes of practice, legislation and regulation which a teacher must be aware of and adhere to. Whilst many are generic to the teaching profession there are also others, which are specific to the subject matter being taught. The Data Protection Act (2003); The Children Act (2004); Equality Act (2010); Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (2006); Education and skills Act (2008) and Health and Safety at Work Act (1974) are examples of generic laws which have over the years been amended to reflect current practice.The Data Protection Act (1998 amended 2003) provides the legal framework on how and when personal information should be obtained, processed and shared. The amendment covered the use of electronic data. This law is particularly relevant to my subject area of Marketing as data collection forms one of the richest forms of customer insight. However, marketers must ensure a customer knows they are collecting their data and that it is only used legitimately and within a reasonable timeframe.The Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act (2006) was introduced to provide a vetting and barring mechanism to ensure anyone working with children of young adults is properly checked. Anyone looking to work with these groups should expect to the checked by the Criminal Records Bureau (CRB). The Health & Safety at Work Act (1974) defines the obligations of an employer to ensure that all employees are not put at risk during their work and that all employees should oblige with the Health and Safety regulations imposed by the Employees.Risk assessments should be carried our where necessary. As a teacher it is important to ensure the you are registered with the Institute for Learning (IFL) and adhere to their 8 desired behaviours which ensure that you treat the profession as well as learners with respect at all times and maintain your expertise knowledge in your subject matter through CPD and in line with the curri culum as outlined by the governing award

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Police Personality Revision Essay

A uncorrupted natural law work lies on the concept of their personalities victorious into consideration their signs slew in hand with their socializations and experiences. These decisive factors basic every(prenominal)y comprise what apotheosis nature of a police is unavoidable in order to completely map their tasks. Perhaps, it is imperative to give emphasis on the notions of police character to give a strong hold on this humble matter. At any rate, there were instances that dispute arises as police render their operate. startle of this reflected broader social conflict over the proficient and equal distribution of opportunities and legal protections to every people other sources of conflict include disparities between the symbolic role of the police, popular social expectations about police services and behavior (Vila & Morris, 1999).There is indeed a unique trait that flows in the short letter of every police such as dedication, bravery, and conviction. The uniquen ess of polices trait can never be find a appearance. police forces compassion to the eudaemonia of their people is on top priority. They argon willing to surrender even their bear lives in order to defend the people. It is gawk but they chose to risk everything for the sake of their traffic. Thus, this is the adept that fulfills their personality to serve the people at all costs.On the other note, socializations and experiences atomic number 18 chief(prenominal) tools to be able to symbolize their character properly. Apparently, the police needs to spang how to communicate with the people as soundly as to know how to address their demands in order to properly portray their roles. socialization and experience are indispensable cunning that crops the attitude of a police. They will be able to serve pertinently callable to the fact that they have enough experiences. What is important about socialization, then, is that people learn to yield according to the expectations of their culture and transmit that way of life from one generation to the adjoining (Kenney & McNamara, 1999).Weighing these two elements that encompass the personality of a police, it is on a received note that their unique traits make them to a greater extent trustworthy on their chosen field. It is in these traits withal that they detached their profession farther beyond all other field. The profession is a moral unit positing sealed values and ideals which guide its members in their relations with laymen. This guide may be a set of un compose norms transmitted done the professional educational system or it may be codified into written canons of professional ethics (Glenn et al., 2003). Certainly, as they socialized and experienced a stack of circumstances, it all boils down on having a good persona unique trait which make them build rapport with a lot of people in town and which also gives them the pride for the people to respect them and their specify of work.Referen ceGlenn, Panitch, Barnes Proby, Williams, Christian, Lewis, Gerwehr & Brannan (2003). Training the 21st hundred Police Officer Redefining Police Professionalism for the Los Angeles Police Department. RandKenney, dennis Hay & McNamara, Robert P. (1999). Police and Policing Contemporary Issues. PraegerVila, Bryan & Morris, Cynthia (1999). The exercise of Police in American History. Greenwood stub out

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Summary “The Environmental Issue from Hell”

Summary “The Environmental Issue from Hell”

We’re Hot as Hell Is global warming a moral dilemma? Is it the american public policy problem from hell? In â€Å"The Environmental Issue extract from Hell,† Bill McKibben uses many of such phrases en route to arguing for a new approach to global warming. By discussing hell and morals, the reader’s own mind is already equating it with two heavily debated issues. Therefore, we begin to question their existence and how we should  deal  with the subjects. McKibben wisely chooses these disputes to represent his main concerns: the ways in which consumerism affects the global ecosystem, wired and the impact of humans on the environment.Theres an overview of the insights of the chapter.(McKibben 747) Choosing the single word divorce (which everyone has heard and in some only way or another experienced), and also elaborating about parking garages  and air operant conditioning captivates the reader. He uses the example that if it gets hotter outside what is our automatic reaction? We turn the AC up without contemplation. He explains that these new technologies what are not letting us feel the consequences of global warming, causing us to be completely ignorant of it.Related article: †The old Proverbs of Administration† SummaryMckibben feels it is subsequently important to make people realize eternal now because, â€Å"By the time the magnitude of the change is truly in our faces, it will be too late to do much about it.Of citing book reviews the matter is fairly delicate logical and ought to be approached with a specific large quantity of wisdom and research.

Mckibben inaugurates his second third paragraph suggesting that we make the environmental issues, â€Å"†the great extra moral crisis of our time, and the equivalent of the civil civil rights movement of the 1960s. â€Å"(747). He uses this analogy to explain that in his opinion, we are strip-mining the immediate present and destroying all of whom come after it. Thus, leading him to discuss exactly how humans’ materialistic ways have impacted the earth.You ought to read the information Should you wish to learn to format a book review.In many circumstances it is believed how that if it had been done to us, we would personal dislike the generation that did it, just as how we free will one day be disliked. The solution given in the essay on how to handle these environmental issues is to start a moral campaign.In other words, â€Å"†¦ turn it into a political issue, just as bus boycotts began to make general public the issue of race, forcing the system to respo nd. â€Å" (748).Together keyword with AI, the organization doesnt need many folks to do the job.

McKibben is asking for us to take a  step  back and look from special someone else’s point of view, which as an author is a more brilliant idea. He is asking us as the most readers to be open-minded and look through someone else’s dark eyes with the hope that it will be his. Works Cited Mckibben, Bill. â€Å"The Environmental Issue letter from Hell.If, after reading your post, the customer would like to purchase the item, theyll click it logical and be brought to the sellers website.Boston: Learning Solutions. 2011. 746-49. Print.The official notification wills merely click should they find that its valuable.

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